After the dissolution of the Bundestag, its Vice President, Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens), has called for orderly procedures and unity.
“We have paved the way for new elections in the Bundestag” Göring-Eckardt told the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday edition). The head of state is completing the last step with the dissolution. “It is in the sense of our country that this does not happen in confrontation.”
“The dissolution of the parliament should remain an exception in our democracy” the Green politician added. “We take responsibility until a new government is elected and the Bundestag is reconstituted.” Now it’s about looking forward and talking about what kind of country one wants to be and what one can trust. “The times are serious, let us not be split, but stay turned to each other” Göring-Eckardt said further.