After the terrorist attack on the Magdeburg Christmas market, the head of the Green Party, Franziska Brantner, has confirmed her party’s demand to improve the information exchange between the constitutional protection and police authorities, as well as between the states and the European level. “Moreover, our security authorities must make significant progress in digitalization” Brantner said to the Welt.
According to Brantner, many questions arise after the Magdeburg attack: “Who had what information about the suspected perpetrator at what time? How was this information handled?” The authorities and services must now provide precise clarification. Although she is generally cautious about demanding law changes after such events, “it seems that the problem is not a lack of knowledge, but rather that the knowledge was not put together” said the Green Party chief.
The state must provide the best possible protection. “We all want security, that’s the foundation of our freedom” Brantner said. “The state with its law enforcement agencies must be on an equal footing and be able to intervene. At the same time, we want to protect the personal freedom of the individual. In this field of tension, we make politics” said the Green Party chief.
For her, security in Germany also includes a better protection of women. “There is a draft bill from the Family Minister, Paus, to establish a better financial foundation for the funding of counseling centers and women’s shelters” said Brantner. She hopes that the CDU/CSU faction will follow suit, and a decision could be made in January. “Violence against women in Germany is simply too widespread. Safe spaces are not a social luxury, but for many women unfortunately a matter of life and death.