The FDP’s deputy chairman, Wolfgang Kubicki, has shown openness to a so-called “Germany coalition” comprising CDU/CSU, SPD, and FDP after the February 23 Bundestag election. “I could imagine a Germany coalition after the election” Kubicki told the “Stern”. In current polls, the Union and SPD are strong enough to form a coalition without the FDP.
“If the SPD, with Scholz, lands below 20%, as one must assume, then all the faces of today will be gone. Then it won’t be Olaf Scholz, no Rolf Mützenich, no Saskia Esken, and no Lars Klingbeil” Kubicki said. “Then such an alliance could work. There are still many in the SPD who have the Godesberg Program in their heads, who believe in upward mobility, in economic growth, and don’t just want to discuss gender-neutral toilets.”
Kubicki categorically ruled out any government cooperation with the Greens over the next four years. “I rule out the possibility of a government coalition between the FDP and the Greens in the next Bundestag” he said. “The human image is simply too different. We believe that people can shape their lives independently. The Greens believe that people need to be protected” Kubicki said. “Politically, this doesn’t fit. I will not approve of cooperation with the Greens in the next legislative period.