Green Party’s Youth Leader Warns Party Against Participating in a Coalition that Includes Deportations to Syria
The Green Party’s Youth Leader, Jette Nieitzard, warns her party against participating in a possible coalition that includes deportations to Syria.
“I expect they won’t do that” she told the taz, Monday edition. “If that were to happen, I can promise here that the Green Youth will take to the barricades for human and asylum rights.”
She has already called for red lines in the migration policy for the Green Party’s election program, which the party’s top leadership will present on Tuesday, demanding “no further asylum law restrictions with us.”
Nieitzard explicitly spoke out against a possible coalition with the CDU, which has announced such restrictions in its coalition agreement. “Human rights, women’s rights, and children’s rights are not compatible with black-green” she said. The green base is “smart enough to recognize it if there is a ballot on a coalition agreement.”
At its national council meeting, the Green Youth had adopted a motion that included demands for a liberal asylum policy and a change of course in foreign policy. The young generation has “a great need for justice” and experiences the world in real-time on their screens, Nieitzard said. “All parties, not just the Greens, would benefit from acknowledging this more and taking these perspectives more seriously. For example, 50% of young people say they wish the suffering in Gaza was acknowledged more strongly” said the head of the youth organization.
She also demanded from the federal government that the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be executed in doubt. “You can’t pick and choose in which conflicts you respect the court and in which you don’t. We also demand that no more offensive weapons be delivered to Israel until courts have judged whether war crimes have been committed” Nieitzard said.