German integration on a downward trend!

Deutsche Integration auf Abwärtstrend!

German Skilled Workers Expect Politicians to Ensure Long-Term Employment

The German skilled workforce is expecting the government to ensure that Syrian employees who have been integrated and trained are not sent back to their homeland.

“We should be happy about every one who has integrated” said Jörg Dittrich, the president of the German Crafts Association, to the Rheinische Post (Friday edition). “Employers in the skilled workforce expect to be able to continue to employ their Syrian staff as important skilled workers in the long term and with reliability.” Many of them have been trained with a great deal of effort, and: “We are still desperately seeking skilled workers in the skilled workforce” said the president of the Central Association of the German Skilled Workforce (ZDH).

The skilled workforce immigration law is “unfortunately not yet having the desired effect” Dittrich said. “The law is correct in principle, but it cannot yet be fully effective in practice. There are bottlenecks in the visa issuance and in the foreign authority offices. And many skilled workers are bypassing Germany because the taxes and social contributions are too high for them. As a result, they do not earn as much net as in other countries” Dittrich said.