Food Aid Marches On in Sudan Despite Attack

Food Aid Marches On in Sudan Despite Attack

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) will continue its work in Sudan after the deadly attack on three of its employees, the WFP spokesperson Martin Rentsch told the “Rheinische Post” (Tuesday edition).

Despite this unimaginable attack, we will continue our work and have just reached the capital Khartum with a relief convoy for the first time since the conflict began, Rentsch said.

Such successes are not possible without the courage and resilience of humanitarian aid workers. “I lack the words to describe how it feels to lose colleagues with whom I have worked together to save lives” he acknowledged. As humanitarian aid workers, “we must never be the target” Rentsch said.

Last week, for the first time since the start of the civil war in Sudan in April 2023, trucks from several relief organizations carrying food and medicine arrived in Khartum. Such operations are extremely dangerous: just before Christmas, three WFP employees were killed in a air attack.