Finances Secured, But Will the Project Ever Leave the Station?

Finances Secured, But Will the Project Ever Leave the Station?

The Federal Council has approved the financing of the Germany ticket. The state representatives voted for the amendment to the Regionalization Act, which was adopted by the Bundestag just half an hour earlier on Friday.

There had been criticism from the states about a “consolidating budget measure” provided for in the amendment. According to this, an amount of 350 million euros will not be disbursed in 2025, as previously planned. The disbursement will only take place in 2026, after the submission of the reports on the use of regionalization funds for 2025.

The planned ban on financing a price reduction for the ticket at the state level, for example as a school ticket for the Germany ticket, using regular regionalization funds, also met with opposition in the Federal Council. The federal government is of the opinion that the states should finance such discounts from their own funds.