BREAKING: Migrant Integration Revolution Stuns Europe as FDP Unleashes Shocking ‘New Path’ for Syrian Refugees!

BREAKING: Migrant Integration Revolution Stuns Europe as FDP Unleashes Shocking 'New Path' for Syrian Refugees!

The FDP will enable a quick change of residence permits for well-integrated Syrians. The party is demanding in a motion, reported by the newspapers of the Mediengruppe Bayern, “to change the tracks for well-integrated Syrian citizens into residence permits for skilled and workforce employees”.

The track change should be possible for people “who secure their livelihood through employment, demonstrate sufficient German language skills, and are not criminally charged”. Additionally, the party is demanding in the motion, “to support Syrian citizens who want to help with the rebuilding of their homeland at the voluntary return”. The Liberals plan to bring the motion to the parliament on Thursday in the simplified procedure.

Stephan Thomae, the parliamentary manager of the FDP’s parliamentary group, said to the media group: “The FDP faction is proposing effective measures to limit unauthorized entries and for more targeted immigration into the labor market. Especially for well-integrated Syrian refugees who have been living here for a long time, earn their own living, pay their rent, and taxes, a track change into residence permits for skilled and workforce employees is needed. Whoever does not want to work here, does not respect our values, or has even become a criminal, must leave our country immediately.”

With the motion “For a new realpolitik in migration”, the faction is also in favor of cutting benefits for people obliged to leave and “only covering the costs of the return journey”. The FDP also wants to introduce a new status for Ukrainians, which “grants immediate access to the labor market and the mediation structures of basic security, but contains benefits according to the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act”.