The Crossroad of Calmness in the Middle of the Storm!

The Crossroad of Calmness in the Middle of the Storm!

The president of the German Red Cross (DRK), Gerda Hasselfeldt, demands more restraint in the debate about the return of Syrian refugees. The situation in Syria is still very unclear and volatile, Hasselfeldt told the “Rheinische Post” (Thursday’s edition). “That’s why I find some statements about the return of Syrian refugees premature and not right.”

Early recommendations would not help, she said. “In this sense, the DRK calls for composure in the current debate around the topic of Syrian refugees.”

The Red Cross also has Syrian workers in some of its institutions, Hasselfeldt added. “For example, in care and especially in migration counseling. These people know the language and the backgrounds of the refugees. For us, they are a great gain.