Germany’s Hidden Taboo: Insurance to Foot the Bill for Aborted Pregnancies

FDP leader Christian Lindner has expressed his support for future legal abortions to be reimbursed by health insurance companies. “Our society needs more empathy for women in such a difficult life situation,” Lindner told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland.” “One expression of empathy would be for health insurance companies to cover the costs of legal abortions.”

The women affected, Lindner said, are facing significant challenges. “They have to think about their own life and the life of the unborn child. They have to seek qualified medical care – which is not easy in many parts of the country. And they may also have to consider the question of financing.”

Lindner was cautious in his comments on the parliamentary group’s bill to repeal section 218 of the criminal code, which criminalizes abortion. “The societal consensus on the regulation of legal abortion has been found, and it may not satisfy everyone, but it is stable,” the FDP leader said. “In any case, a Bundestag vote on this issue is not sensible in this very short legislative period. Ethically complex questions should be carefully deliberated – and not done hastily.” The health insurance cost coverage, he added, is an alternative to repealing section 218, which can help women in need.

Lindner also expressed support for the legalization of egg donations and surrogacy in Germany. “It is necessary to make unfulfilled child wishes in our country easier to fulfill, using legal surrogacy and egg donations without commercial interests,” he said.