Trump: Death sentence for drug dealers and cop killers


Trump: Death sentence for drug dealers and cop killers.

Former US President Donald Trump gave a speech in Las Vegas where he declared that the death penalty should be imposed on drug dealers, cop killers and human traffickers, which would make America a safe place again.

Although he clarified that such a decision would be controversial, he emphasizes that it is more than necessary.

“I don’t care about applause, I care about the country. It’s time to finally say it. “If you look at countries around the world, everywhere you go, the only ones that don’t have a drug problem are the ones that impose the death penalty on traffickers,” Trump said.

Trump mentioned China as one of the examples of such a country.

“China does not have a problem with drugs because it has what is called a quick trial. When a seller is caught, he is quickly brought to court and if found guilty, immediately executed. “Drug dealers don’t do business in China because the consequence is death,” said the former US president.

Also, he emphasized that traffickers and traffickers of human beings earn much more money “under the table” than very successful American businessmen.

“We can be tough and smart and solve this problem or politically correct, weak and frankly extremely stupid. This is probably how we will lose millions of people to a scourge the likes of which our country and most other countries have never seen before,” he concluded.

Otherwise, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has declared that he will sign the revision of the death penalty law if the parliament asks him to.