Protests in London against the high cost of living


Several hundred people protested in London against the high cost of living. Demonstrators gathered in front of King’s Cross train station, holding signs reading “Tax the rich, don’t attack the poor”, “Support the strikes” and “We need a pay rise”.

Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on new Prime Minister Liz Truss. After less than 4 weeks in office and a week after the publication of the disastrous mini-budget that cut taxes for the rich, 51 percent of citizens interviewed by the “YouGov” institute say that she should leave.

Truss has admitted that the announcement of her fiscal plan to stimulate growth caused disruption to the national economy, but has insisted that she has simultaneously taken decisive action to control the country’s finances.

The latest official data shows that Britain is not yet in recession, but the country’s economy could take a turn due to rising interest rates.

Protests against the economic plan were supported by many non-governmental organizations.