Predictions by Bill Gates, 27 years ago


Predictions by Bill Gates, 27 years ago.

The year 1995 may not seem like a long time ago, but in the world of technology, it seems like a century.

Before the advent of the internet and laptops, it was hard for anyone to predict what might come next.

However, for tech oligarchs like Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the future was near, as a video recently unveiled from 1995 shows.

The video shows a speech by Bill Gates called “The Road Ahead” in which he predicted with frightening accuracy what technology might look like in 2005.

He discussed technology, such as Netflix, that would allow people to watch “their favorite shows” on demand without having to wait for a TV schedule.

Gates also discussed the idea of ​​digital convergence, where everything from books and art to movies and documents would pass to computers.