Massacre in Bucha, criminologists describe what they saw

Massacre in Bucha, criminologists describe what they saw.

In early April, Russian forces withdrew from Bucha and discovered a massacre of civilians that had taken place under their occupation.

According to local authorities, around 1,300 bodies have been evacuated from the city and surrounding areas.

And criminologists have now spoken about what they saw in the city. One said he saw men, women and children in a mass grave of 117 people.

The bodies had “signs of violent death”, he was quoted as saying. In a five-story building, he said every apartment had its door broken and even “small things” were stolen.

Another described the impact of mortar shelling in nearby Irpin. He said that in a well-known park, a cross was found with “a family” written on it.

In the grave were the bodies of a man, woman, child and a small dog.