Fearing poisoning, Putin fires 1,000 staff members


Fearing poisoning, Putin fires 1,000 staff members.

In the latest report, it is clear that Vladimir Putin was already aware that future actions would bring unrest even among his compatriots.

Just a few years ago, the Russian president was concluding international agreements with other countries and had good relations with most of them.

But his latest desire to invade Ukraine and fight against the West has led him to commit crimes that will inevitably turn him into a traitor.

According to the latest reports, close ties to the Kremlin revealed to them information about a horrific action taken by the Russian state about a month ago. According to the report, the Russian president suddenly began to lay off his personal staff, respectively about 1000 people lost their jobs.

When we say personal staff, we mean Russian employees, who actually prepare the food and take care of it regularly. It was also reported that he maintains a specific staff who always tastes his food before he starts eating. All this behavior is very common by dictators or tyrants who usually fear for their lives.