A large snake coiled around the dog’s face.
Dogs are explorers by nature, so it is not uncommon for them to return from a walk with some “booty” that they like to show their owners.
More often it’s bones or some scrap, but the dog owner from San Diego was shocked to see what her pet showed up with.
Namely, a large snake is wrapped around her dog’s muzzle. The owner called in expert Bruce Ireland for help and the story ended happily.
Bruce, who happens to be a snake catcher, posted a video on TikTok of rescuing a dog, which became an internet hit.
In the video, a dog can be seen approaching in confusion with a snake wrapped around its face.
“Honey, you’ve got a little problem,” Ireland tells him and removes the snake and puts it in the bucket. Ireland explained that he was lucky the snake was not poisonous.
“My calls are always interesting. Both the dog and the snake are fine,” Ireland wrote under the clip, which has almost 4 million views.
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