A hole in the pool opened up and took two men with it


A hole in the pool opened up and took two men with it.

At a private pool party in Israel, guests witnessed a tragedy.

This is because the “floor” of the pool collapsed and the water fountain “took with it” two men.

Najer managed to get out of the vortex in time, the other was dragged into the hole which is supposed to be several meters deep.

He was identified as Klil K. (32 years old).

As it is known, rescue teams worked for four hours before reaching him and declaring him dead.

Klil was a lecturer and attended a party organized by his marketing firm at the villa in the town of Karmei Yosef.

The owner had not applied for a permit before the pool was built.

If he had applied for a building permit, it would not have been granted anyway – due to infrastructure problems, a report says.

Meanwhile, one of the participants in the pool party said that about 50 people were at the scene when the disaster happened.

Guests reported noticing a hole in the pool, they called colleagues to leave the pool, but at first thought it was some kind of game.

“A few seconds later, the ‘land’ just sank. I saw two missing people,” says a witness.

The police have interrogated the owner of the house on suspicion of manslaughter.